It’s been a great while since I have channeled information. It seems that Covid put a damper on everyone. Although many of us learned a great lesson during that time about survival and learning how to reconnect with family on a much deeper level than ever before.
I am feeling very drawn to begin again, even though I am unsure where it will lead. I spent a great amount of time working through what I can describe is an energetic change to my nervous system. It seemed as though as if I was being attacked by all sides. Everything was affecting my energetic body. It literally felt like I was dying. Dizziness, heart palpitations, panic attacks, headaches, and anxiety through the roof. I feel like I had every test known to man only to find out, “There’s really nothing wrong with you. Here have some anxiety and depression meds.” Maybe it’s hormones, maybe its toxic metals, maybe it’s bacterial growth in your intestines. So many things and so much information found its way into my brain. I thought I would never find the answer.
There have been extreme energetic shifts to our planet. Shifts that I can’t even begin to explain (that’s someone else’s specialty!) but it’s happening and it’s real. You aren’t crazy, you aren’t depressed, you don’t have anxiety, you aren’t dying. (I’m not a doctor, I can’t diagnose or treat diseases, but I can tell you from my experience that this may be your experience as well.) YOU are experiencing these energetic shifts and your central nervous system has NO clue what is happening. Your body is becoming in tune with these shifts or at least trying to, and it’s having difficulty adjusting. You’re learning how to collect this energy and feel it out. Some of it is the earth, some of it is your direct surroundings, and some of it is other’s energy. We are collecting and pooling these energies like a newly formed magnet, drawing it into ourselves like a baby experiencing every single thing it can reach out and touch for the very first time. Some of the energies are wonderful and savory, and others not so much.
But what happens when you’ve absorbed these energies? Where do they go? Well, to be honest, if you don’t know how to discharge them, they stay stuck inside you. They stay stuck inside you and they fester. It’s like an electrical charge that you suck into your body and it just bounces around forever filling up with more and more electrical charges until you get sick. It can show up in anxiety. It can show up in feelings of doom. It can show up in feelings of depression and even feelings of suicide. (Yes, I have been there on so many occasions! Even the extent of planning my death.) I’ve had so many moments of desperation and I’ve finally found an answer after so much time of searching, testing, crying, begging, pleading, and praying.
If you’re absorbing all these frequencies (imagine them as extra electrical impulses in your body). Newton's third law simply states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So, if object A acts a force upon object B, then object B will exert an opposite yet equal force upon object A. So in theory, you need to find a way to release those frequencies, those electrical impulses in your body, before you short circuit.
It's such a simple answer, that I literally did not believe it when I figured it out. How could something so complex have the simplest solution? That solution came to me in a form of a birthday gift from my mother in law. She gave me a box that contained 2 mats, some reading material and I had no clue what it was. It was a grounding mat. I laughed and though she was a bit crazy. I don’t need grounding, I’m the Angel Lady! Lol that beautiful ego of mine rearing it’s human head. To be fair, she had no idea it would have such a profound effect on me either, but I am so glad she listened to her angels when the pushed her to purchase it for me.
The answer is truly grounding. We need to dispel those energies back to the earth from whence they came. And I discovered it by mistake! (Was it really?) I don’t believe in coincidences. Every single thing happens for a reason! And it’s so simple! You can ground outside with bare feet. You can ground inside with a grounding mat. You can ground anywhere. As a matter of fact, I am grounding right now as I write. Grounding is magical. Think about it. What did you do as a child? Most of us ran around bare foot. I know I did. My mother couldn’t keep shoes on me! And I tell you, I was the most free spirited child there ever could be. I wasn’t ever afraid, or stressed, or had anxiety. I sat in the dirt and I dug holes and buried my feet and legs in the dirt almost daily! I knew that the earth was my friend and it loved me more than anything! And I loved it right back!

How have we forgotten what it was like when we were children? Especially those of us born before the cell phone. I was lucky to be born in a generation where technology was nil. I played outside every day. And children today have become electronic slaves, never knowing the joys of burying their feet in the earth. No wonder there are so many children not able to process or have difficulties with anxiety and even depression at a very young age. How sad that they have never been taught that the earth is our friend, our true confidant that loves us completely and wholly. Not our iPads. They too are absorbing these energies and frequencies and have no idea how to process them. So do yourself a favor. Go jump in a puddle with them. Show them the earth is our friend. Dig a hole and bury their feet. Tickle their toes in the grass. Show them how to process these frequencies with love and care. Create the world you wish to have by living through example. I have handed you the golden truth. It is now yours to take.
Angel Blessings!
Christie Ashabranner
